Friday's program, eclectic and well-chose, superbly demonstrated the group's virtuosity, which cast a truly magnetic force on the enthusiastic audience.
What the American Brass Quintet seemed intent on proving was that anything their instrumental relatives can do, they do as well, or better. No texture, speed, tonal color or dynamic seems to be beyond their means. They sustain wispy pianissimos as easily as deafening fortissimos, and toss of trills with awesome nonchalance. They have an astonishing variety of tonal attacks, and can negotiate melodic passages of a convoluted rapidity that would frighten a coloratura soprano.
Describe the ideal in brass playing and you're talking about the kind of sound and ensemble produced by The American Brass Quintet
The members of the American Brass Quintet breathe as one, provide effortless well-matched phrasing, and generally produce a superbly balanced, fine golden sound.
Brass quintets are, by their very nature, brilliant to the ear. When reinforced by superb performance the effect is positively dazzlng. This is what happened when the American Brass Quintet played Monday night at the University of Denver. In short the American Brass Quintet did itself and the repertory proud.
The American Brass Quintet is probably this country's most distinguished ensemble of its kind now appearing beforet he public. Nothing seems difficult for them- from the sustaining of the quietest organ-like sonorities to the articulation of quicksilver passages requiring digital speed and tonguing agility.
Suffice it to say that the ABQ virtually invented the modern brass quintet. This release commemorates the ABQ's 40th anniversary...and it shows their collective virtuosity burning brighter than ever. Excelsior gentlemen.
The mix of selections reinforces my belief that in the past "golden" age, certain tunes were common currency, regardleso sf the musical orientation of the listener. Schubert's Serenad was one of them, and Stephen Foster's Come Where my Love Lies Dreaming would have been another. The American Brass Quintet Brass Band cuts through these pieces like a knife through unrefrigerated butter, putting most of the village bands I've heard in my lifetime well into the shade. Lincoln, it's safe to say, would have been both grateful and impressed.